One would think the 1st birthday party would make you feel a host of emotions--he is getting big, he is one, where is my baby....and it did to a degree but the thing that has hit me the hardest is this....his car seat now faces forward. Yes, I said it HIS CAR SEAT NOW FACES FORWARD!
It is wonderful to see his beautiful little eyes in the mirror, to see if he is dozing off to sleep and to not have to do it while looking in my mirror through another mirror is truly great but it means he is getting big! He isn't a baby anymore, he is a toddler. He is a sweet, increasingly independent toddler. I miss holding him and snuggling and rocking. The time goes by so quickly! But it has also brought about some wonderful things too--he is silly, he is rambunctious and he still enjoys a good hug. He is a toddler and we are ready to see what happens this next year!