We have been busy opening the Chollett Country Club Pool! :)
You know, the hard side, cheap pool you can get just about anywhere! Bentley loves it. He doesn't care if the water is warm or cold, he just loves to splash and pour water out of a cup. We have many fun days of pool time ahead of us!
We have also been busy with a visit to see his birth mom (where he decided to walk again on his own for the first time). We have gotten a cold. We have played outside till our feet are black and we have Popsicle juice all over the place. We have supported a local event called Sand in the City that benefits our adoption agency. And probably the scariest thing of all---we have gotten the paperwork to start our 2nd adoption. As much as we are excited, we are also overwhelmed by the paperwork again. It just seems like we don't have as much time now (could be because our almost 17 month old is a busy, busy boy). But we will do it--we will find time and then we will "offer it up to God" and wait for Bentley to turn 2 and see what happens. As much as we desire another child and a sibling for Bentley, we also recognize that we are forever blessed and grateful to have him as a son. So the stress or anxiety of the 2nd adoption feels different....at least for now.
Hope you all are enjoying the summer! I know we are!