Still battling hives! YIKES. We are going on a month now. Other than hives, Bentley is doing great. He is getting so big and he just learns/mimics so much (it is scary). Right now he is into feeding his stuffed animals, walking around the house nude (that story is for another day), hammering and drilling on all objects and trying to lay on our cats (which they don't find amusing). He is so much fun! He has turned into my sleeping buddy each morning around 2 a.m. when we find our way to the can you say no to a child that has a swollen eye from hives??? I know I will regret the defeat later but for now, it is working for us.
We haven't been able to get out much the last month because heat isn't good for the hives and let me tell is miserable here. Today is actually a decent day..little humidity and the temps in the high 80's. I know I will kick myself but fall and winter look good right about now.
We hope the hives give up soon....prayers are always welcomed. For the most part he has been a happy, healthy little guy despite those itchy little things! We are blessed to have such an easy going kiddo.
We turned in the preliminary paperwork for the 2nd adoption...SAY WHAT??? There are days I can't even think about that! In fact, that is all I will say about it...I have enough gut ache with hive worries I don't need to add that to my worry load :)
Wow--that was nothing but random....but that is what my head feels like these days! Random!
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