I am really tired
A nap would only make it worse
A nap would hurt
I am a mom
I love being a mom
I love my baby
but I really love sleep too!
It is funny how just 6 months ago I thought being tired was hard but that wasn't being tired, that was being lazy or something other than being tired because my friends I AM REALLY TIRED now and I know it comes with the territory and chasing after B. The good news--my partner in crime is back from his work trip and we are glad to have him home. The Chollett house is at Full Strength (as they say in Hockey).
B has his 6 month check up on Wednesday and that means a lot to us. It means finding out how much he weighs, how tall he is, it means shots, it means knowing he is growing and is healthy and it also means we start the finalization of his adoption. The lawyer has been called, the papers are being drafted and we should have a court date within the next couple months. We are thrilled and it will be nice to finally have that piece of paper with his last name matching ours--it is just a formality because since the day we brought him home he has been ours and been a part of our family but it is the final piece and we are so excited!
I will post his stats this week after his appointment (any guesses???)....in the meantime, here are some more photos.....

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