Yikes! 8 months old. I can't even believe it. He is learning, growing and changing so quickly. He is so much fun. On Friday I had Bentley and his cousin Jayla for a couple hours and it was fun but a lot of work. I think we had a little glimpse into our future of the two of them together! Bentley is all boy and Jayla is all girl. I am sure someday she will rule his world but right now he is the one "calling the shots"--at least a little :) He loves to bang toys together and scream in delight and that scares the little cutie pie! He tried to steal her pacifier--he tried to take the bow out of her hair--he tried eating her feet! She did NOT find any of it amusing. I can't wait to see them together when they are both mobile! So scary but it will be so fun!
B is 8 months going on a year! He is so inquisitive and is reaching to try and pull himself up but can't quite figure it out. We believe we have a fourth tooth coming in--on the top. So that makes 3 on the bottom and hopefully one on top--just in time for Halloween! He has started saying "momma" and "dadda" but we can't tell if he knows which is which or if he is just saying that! He is able to go from sitting to his tummy and starts "swimming" and sometimes looks like he is going to crawl but I do think we have some time before he figures it out (thankfully) :)
He loves animals. Loves soccer balls, baseballs and really all balls. He is our love and we can't wait for the fun holidays coming up!
We are anticipating a fun visit this weekend with his birth mom---we have a big trip to the zoo planned!
8 month pictures coming soon.
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