Seriously--9 months old? What the heck!
We had B's appointment and we got a clean bill of health--those words always make a mom and dad happy! He is a growing boy! He is 23 pounds 12 ounces and is in the 90% for weight and is 29 1/4 long and is in the 82% for height! We have a big, healthy boy on our hands!
Bentley is changing everyday. He is working on his 7th tooth--watch out little fingers the bite is pretty ferocious. He isn't crawling but can inch his way around and is really interested in standing! He pretty much eats most of what we eat mixed in with some baby food. Our doctor said he is probably dreaming now and I think we had that going on last night. 4 a.m.---and he was wide awake, I couldn't get him to sleep without going to the magic recliner. While holding my baby he finally fell asleep and minutes later a smile and then a jolt, sad frown, whimpers and snuggling close to me. It broke my heart--needless to say we stayed in the magic recliner till it was time to shower (I know I won't win mother of the year for that)!
We have our court date next week and are looking forward to it---he has always been ours but just knowing his last name will be our last name and that the adoption is finalized---it will just feel so good!
I will post pictures soon!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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