verb: to hold dear : cherish
Happy Valentine's Day! I am not a huge fan of the holiday but find it hard not to take the time to think about those I love--those I hold dear and cherish!
Cullen--you are my rock and soul mate, our love remains strong as we have been through the valleys and are experiencing the peaks right now!
Bentley--my son, my love, you will never understand how much I love you and cherish you.
My Family (to include the in-laws)--you are amazing, supportive, crazy and I love you. Love being related to you, even if we do put the fun in dysfunctional :)
My Friends--the numbers few but the love mighty and I am honored to call you my friends. You have helped me in good times, sad times and bad times. I cherish you and what you mean to me, I only hope that I'm as good a friend to you, as you are to me!
Bentley's Birthfamily--I cherish our open adoption and want to thank you for being a part of his and our life!
I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I am not worthy of such love~but I do cherish it and love you all!
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