tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "kids are resilient" Bentley will be just fine....I would be one rich woman! But I have to admit, it is true!
Bentley got his cast off on Monday and while he seemed relieved, I believe we were a little more relieved than he was. He was adjusting to the cast, almost walking on it and was crawling like crazy.
Don't get me wrong, I am sure he loves having it off, but he couldn't comprehend that he was ever getting it off, he probably thought it was just something he would have to deal with forever. He has tapped on his leg a couple times and we have even caught him trying to write on his leg (because everyone wrote on it when it was in a cast) :)
Yes, it is true. Kids are resilient! We are so happy to be cast free and enjoy seeing those cute little toes that were covered for the last month!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
i'm just checking in again after a while and i'm so sorry that little b broke his leg!! :( we've been waiting for that to happen at our house since milo is SO incredibly active and fearless. i'm glad that cast is off and he's doing well!! so much harder on mama i'm sure. :) he is such a cutie and getting SO big!! :)