Have you ever listened to a conversation and thought--oh Lord, please don't let my child act like that?
Well, yesterday as I was taking B to the doctor for his cough that still hasn't gone away I sat in the waiting room and heard that conversation. It went like this:
Receptionist (R) Elizabeth could you please fill this out
Elizabeth (E) What? I already did paperwork
R I know but we need you to do this as well
E Ok, fine.
E (dials phone and talks to mom and using a loud and annoying voice, mocking the receptionist) Do we have a carbon monoxide detector? Do we have a smoke alarm? Do you excel in school? Do you have friends? Is your child adopted....not hearing the response on the other end I can guess it was a negative response because she laughed and said...shut up.
I sat there and listened and thanked God that B is a boy. I realize I will have my own challenges but I don't know that I could handle those things that come with a teenage girl. But then I sat and felt a pain in my heart...gosh, there are going to be tough times ahead, times that we have to tell B that it is ok to be adopted and that he is loved by many...and the list goes on....and I had to ask myself...am I prepared for that? Oh dear.....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
the fact that you are aware is key. :) we can't keep them from the pain they may experience, but we can always let them know we are there, that they can talk to us and that we love them unconditionally. there have been some things said to me lately that have literally shocked me. while milo really doesn't understand those comments now ~ someday he will.....and it's really made me think about how i should respond when such ignorant comments are made. to respond in a way that isn't defensive, but let's people know it's not okay to say those things......