Last night I had a dream! Can you believe it? I might be getting some good quality sleep! I can even remember the dream. That in our house is classified as BTS (Big Time Stuff)!
On to more exciting news. Bentley turned 3 months on April 17--yep, that has been several weeks ago. So today I leave you some photos of my prince charming. It won't be long till he is 4 months old--and I can't even believe how quickly it has gone.
He has now found his hands and he put them in his mouth all the time. He is quite the talkative little thing and it is so cute. He loves to imitate his daddy...they make some funny noises. He is wearing some 3 month stuff but is so long and a little chubby too so he is mainly wearing 6 month stuff! This kiddo is long--I am not sure how to handle long! I have the chubby down but long--it will be interesting. We are anxious to go to the doctor at the end of May for his 4 month check up to see how he is measuring!
We love him to pieces and each day our lives gets a little brighter because of him!
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