His 4 month check was on Friday and he is at 17 pounds 10 ounces and is 26.5 inches long. He continues to provide so much joy in our life. Not only in our lives but our families lives.
It is the most beautiful thing to see--Grandma and Grandpa holding him and loving him. It is beautiful to see all the cousins, aunts and uncles line up to hold him at family gatherings! This is what life is all about! What we waited so long for! So worth the wait!
He is into his hands and he found his thumb and will occasionally suck it but then goes for the entire hand. He grabs his toes and this weekend started kind of sticking his tongue out....wouldn't you love to know what they think!
We hit another milestone last night---solid food! He is on AR formula so we skipped cereal and started oatmeal. Well, it was a little runny so we will thicken it up tonight but overall I think he enjoyed it and it was just too funny to watch him explore that new substance in his mouth!
Our baby B--we love you so much, you make us proud and you make us both strive to be the best we can be individually and together as parents.

Eating solid foods is hard work--I will take my bottle and just relax! :)
wow ~ what a big boy! :) sounds very healthy and how exciting for mommy and daddy! :) he is such a cutie ~ amazing how much joy they bring us....way more than i ever dreamed of! :)