Monday, May 24, 2010

91 & 92

Yep, those are the percentiles that B is in for height and weight! We have a big boy on our hands!

His 4 month check was on Friday and he is at 17 pounds 10 ounces and is 26.5 inches long. He continues to provide so much joy in our life. Not only in our lives but our families lives.

It is the most beautiful thing to see--Grandma and Grandpa holding him and loving him. It is beautiful to see all the cousins, aunts and uncles line up to hold him at family gatherings! This is what life is all about! What we waited so long for! So worth the wait!

He is into his hands and he found his thumb and will occasionally suck it but then goes for the entire hand. He grabs his toes and this weekend started kind of sticking his tongue out....wouldn't you love to know what they think!

We hit another milestone last night---solid food! He is on AR formula so we skipped cereal and started oatmeal. Well, it was a little runny so we will thicken it up tonight but overall I think he enjoyed it and it was just too funny to watch him explore that new substance in his mouth!

Our baby B--we love you so much, you make us proud and you make us both strive to be the best we can be individually and together as parents.

Eating solid foods is hard work--I will take my bottle and just relax! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Flying Solo

Cullen is gone.
At a conference for work.
In Vegas nonetheless.
We miss him.
It has only been 24 hours (we have another 60 hours to go).
I can handle it alone, it's just I don't like to handle it alone.
There isn't anyone to share his smiles and laughter with.

I pretty much did it alone when B was a month old and Cullen had play practice and would go to work, come home and go to play practice but that was before we had time to form this special bond together as parents! Now we help each other out, one feeds while the other cleans, one plays while the other cooks, we play together with B and we tackle bath time together with such joy and wait to see who gets peed on first (for the record it is usually me). I miss my partner in crime, my husband, my sons father and my best friend. Hurry home Daddy---we don't just need you....we want you at home with us! :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

I had a great Mother's Day Weekend despite having the flu! Yep, the flu! I won't go into the fun details of the flu but will say even with not feeling good, I had a great Mother's Day. Cullen wrote me a loving and caring note on this very blog (thanks babe), he got me a cute necklace with Bentley's name on it, and I got cards from many! We saw Grandpa Jim and Grandma Suzi (L's parents) on Saturday, they were in town for graduation. We had a wonderful visit, they held and loved Bentley, they brought me a beautiful plant and they delivered a nice card with a lovely note from L. And despite not feeling great, I got to nap with my little boy and had a good day. I got a very heart warming text from L on Sunday--"Happy Mother's Day! To the best mom I know." The courage, the love....I just can't explain how she makes me feel! She makes me feel so special...she picked us to raise her son and yet she continues to thank us and send us kind notes. God's plan is beautiful and we are all learning grace and love as we raise Bentley together.

Thank you all for the warm wishes and nice notes on my first Mother's Day! I can't explain how wonderful it is to be a mom to the cutest little boy I know :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Hello! Cullen here, since it's Mother's Day, I'm hijacking this blog and doing a post about my favorite Mom.


You are truly my inspiration. Seeing you with B and how you make his face light up, just makes my heart swell. You are such an amazing Mom. I'm proud to be able to finally call you that. You are a MOM and you deserve everything! You are my rock and my foundation. I didn't really think it was possible, but I love you more every single day. Thank you for all that you do! I've truly been blessed and I want you to know that. I thank God every day for the life he's given us. So Happy FIRST Mother's Day to the best MOM I know. I love you!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mother's Day

What is Mother's Day?

One day that you celebrate the important woman/mother/grandmother in your life. It can also be a day of pain as you long for the day when you can be celebrated. A day that makes you sad because you just want to be a mom. I remember this time one year ago and I remember giving my sister a little card to give her hope...someday you will be a mom. I remember Mother's Day not being as hard as Father's Day...because after all, I was the "issue" in the fertility puzzle so I always felt way worse for my husband then I did for myself!

What does a year bring? Me a mother, my sister a mother and today I anticipate Mother's Day with renewed hope, love for my son, excitement for my sister but I feel a great pain, a pain I didn't think I would feel. I think of "L" Bentley's birthmother and I am guessing this Mother's Day will be hard for her and my heart aches for her. We have an open relationship and we are actually sending her a package today to celebrate her! In our last visit we discovered a kind of candy she loves but has a hard time she is getting a case of it! We are also including a ton of pictures of Bentley for her but the thing I am most proud of and the thing I hope she loves is the gift of a blanket. It isn't any blanket...Cullen's mom made a blanket for her and she made a tiny matching one for Bentley. We are sending it with a note that reads: As the yarn in this blanket is entwined, you will forever be entwined in our hearts. I hope she enjoys cuddling with it...and we even let Bentley cuddle with it and took pictures to send to she can see how he loved it too! (yes, it is pink, that is L's favorite color and who cares if B has a pink blanket..tough boys wear pink) :)

Here are a few pictures.

I only hope this care package gives her a smile and I know it won't make it better but I hope she knows how much we care for her and think that she is an amazing woman for what she has given us! We love you "L"!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I am a dreamer. Not a dreamer in the sense of I would like to someday have a big house but a go to sleep dream strange dreams kind of gal and I usually remember them. I haven't had many dreams since Bentley has come home. I don't think I get enough sleep to actually get there.

Last night I had a dream! Can you believe it? I might be getting some good quality sleep! I can even remember the dream. That in our house is classified as BTS (Big Time Stuff)!

On to more exciting news. Bentley turned 3 months on April 17--yep, that has been several weeks ago. So today I leave you some photos of my prince charming. It won't be long till he is 4 months old--and I can't even believe how quickly it has gone.

He has now found his hands and he put them in his mouth all the time. He is quite the talkative little thing and it is so cute. He loves to imitate his daddy...they make some funny noises. He is wearing some 3 month stuff but is so long and a little chubby too so he is mainly wearing 6 month stuff! This kiddo is long--I am not sure how to handle long! I have the chubby down but long--it will be interesting. We are anxious to go to the doctor at the end of May for his 4 month check up to see how he is measuring!

We love him to pieces and each day our lives gets a little brighter because of him!