Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I HEART World Cup Soccer

I love soccer
I love world cup soccer
Even though both my favorites (Italy and USA) are out of it, I still enjoy watching the games---if only I didn't have to work during the day! DRATS.

Here is a picture of B and Jayla before watching one of the Italy games!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Have Love--Will Travel....

and travel we did--over 1,000 miles in 4 days! What did we find?

Much love in the western part of the state and when you think you couldn't be loved anymore, we were showered with love in Cheyenne!

We traveled fast, we traveled far and we traveled with a happy and very good little 5 month old!

We started the trip with a stop out in Western Nebraska to visit B's birthmom and her family. We had a wonderful lunch and spent around 3 hours just visiting, laughing and loving on a very special little guy, who squirmed and squealed and they loved every minute of it. The Lord made this plan and it couldn't be more beautiful, yet hard to describe to the people who don't get to experience the love we share for B and the love we have for each other. It is a relationship I will NEVER take for granted.

Next stop--Cheyenne to see my grandparents (B's great-grandparents) and let me tell you--they couldn't have looked happier! My sister, her husband, Jayla and my mom all went out too. They met us out in Cheyenne since we left early to visit with L. My brother from Denver and his girlfriend even came to Cheyenne to see the babies. We had a nice visit with my grandparents who are in their 80's and don't have air conditioning (it was HOT) but it made me thankful that we were able to share our miracles with them and to see the light in their eyes made the travel all worthwhile.

As Cullen and I discussed on the way out there--our life isn't just about us anymore, we have an obligation to do what is right for B and what will make a difference in his life. Of course we loved the trip but the trip wasn't about us--it was about him and the others in our lives that we love...and it felt so right when I looked at each person holding B---people from all different sections of our lives--and it made my heart swell with pride and love for the family of three that we have become!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Spy...something little and something white!!

We have a tooth! It has broken through (I can feel it) but still has a little ways to go, but it is so cute to look at--if he will let you. Once you try to look inside his mouth he pushes his tongue out, making it really hard to see what is going on inside.

Yikes--5 months and a tooth--kiddo you better slow down a little bit! Mommy and daddy think you are getting too big too fast!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

One Year ago my blog said:

To my dear, sweet husband:
You are an amazing, funny and loving husband and I love you. You will be an amazing daddy and I can't wait to see you hold our baby for the first time. I watch you with our dear friends little boy and you are just beautiful as you hold him and talk to him. You make those adorable funny faces and he smiles at you while you talk to him.

Thank you for walking on the path with me, for holding my hand when I felt weak or for kissing me when my heart would break during each disappointing treatment. For reminding me that we will be ok and that we will weather this storm.

On this Father's Day I celebrate you silently because I know that someday you will make the most amazing daddy to our amazing child

What a difference a year makes!

To My Husband and My Son's Father:

You are an amazing husband, friend, partner and father. You make us both smile and laugh. You have grown so much in the last 5 months--you walk taller, smile bigger and love deeper--you are finally a father.

I thank you for always being there for me and for B. I love watching you interact with him and I love the smile that comes to his face and the way his eyes light up when he sees you.

On this Father's Day I celebrate you loudly because you are the amazing father I always knew you would be!

I love you.....WE love you!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

5 Months---going on 10 months

Why do they get so big so quickly?

It seems like in the past few weeks B has learned all kinds of things.....

-Rolls over
-Has started to watch us eat--therefore he eats solids with us every night at dinner
-Has become so observant (he is a nosy little guy)
-Gets angry when a toy confuses or frustrates him (funny but sad)
-Really recognizes his mommy and daddy
-Has decided he will skip sitting up and likes to stand with assistance and then smiles like he knows he is so big!
-LOVES his toes and has started licking them!
-Has found the cats and can "pet" them (which means he either grabs their ears, hair or whiskers or they run their heads against his hands for attention)

We can't wait to see what the next several months entail--but it sure would be nice if we could just slow it down a tad!

Monday, June 14, 2010

In Awe of God's Plan

Saturday little Jaylabean was baptized and it was a beautiful ceremony and we had a great time.

Sunday at Mass I sat while Bentley was in Megan's arms and Jayla in her dad's arms and thought--Lord, your plan was masterful, full of love, full of promise and was nothing but delivered on time. How blessed we are that we have B and they have J and we can have them grow up together, something we both hoped and prayed for. In my darkest of hours when I questioned his plan, wondered why me and felt my faith being tested, He was creating the next stop on my path/journey. I look at our child and I know that he was meant to be with us, for us to be his parents. The deep, dark eyes and smile that greets me when I go in to get him out of his crib every morning is a beautiful miracle of lives entwined and is proof to me that God had the plan and waiting the long 4 years was worth the wait (although you couldn't have told me that during the wait).

Today as we celebrate his 5th month I am thankful to you Lord for the plan and for the love of our lives!

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

We have a Roller Folks!

B officially rolled over on Thursday, June 10. It was a momentous milestone and our house was in official celebration mode as he finally got that pesky arm out of the way and rolled over. There was cheering and clapping and smiles all around....and it was just the three of us but if you were outside you would have thought it was an entire stadium of fans! It was adorable; he was confused and we were proud!

Oh, we are blessed!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer is Here

The sun is out, the temperature is up and of course in Nebraska so is the humidity and storms!

We have been busy...trying out new foods for B. He has mastered the oatmeal, loves sweet peas, green beans, squash, sweet potato, carrots and bananas. He is an old pro with the spoon in his mouth! It has been so fun trying new things and watching him react. Oh yeah, he gagged on avocado that I mashed up. It shouldn't be funny--but it was.

We had our first pool experience--we only stayed in for 10 minutes (I think it took us longer to dress him and put his sunscreen, hat and sunglasses on) but he did ok. Didn't cry and didn't scream with joy....and we call that a success.

His grandma and grandpa (cullen's parents) went on a quick vacation and came back with plenty of gifts for him! This is one of the favorites....and is just plain silly!

My very own coon skin hat!

We have a trip to visit B's birthmom at the end of the month, it is about 6 hours away and after we visit her we will go to Cheyenne to visit my grandma and grandpa. I can't wait for them to meet him. We will be traveling with my sister and her family and my mom.

The last two pictures are from the pool. Doesn't he just look cute in that swimsuit! The other picture is with his cousin Jaylabean---there are many days ahead of pure joy and trouble---I can't wait!