Sunday at Mass I sat while Bentley was in Megan's arms and Jayla in her dad's arms and thought--Lord, your plan was masterful, full of love, full of promise and was nothing but delivered on time. How blessed we are that we have B and they have J and we can have them grow up together, something we both hoped and prayed for. In my darkest of hours when I questioned his plan, wondered why me and felt my faith being tested, He was creating the next stop on my path/journey. I look at our child and I know that he was meant to be with us, for us to be his parents. The deep, dark eyes and smile that greets me when I go in to get him out of his crib every morning is a beautiful miracle of lives entwined and is proof to me that God had the plan and waiting the long 4 years was worth the wait (although you couldn't have told me that during the wait).
Today as we celebrate his 5th month I am thankful to you Lord for the plan and for the love of our lives!

Good things really do come to those who wait. I believe!