and travel we did--over 1,000 miles in 4 days! What did we find?
Much love in the western part of the state and when you think you couldn't be loved anymore, we were showered with love in Cheyenne!
We traveled fast, we traveled far and we traveled with a happy and very good little 5 month old!
We started the trip with a stop out in Western Nebraska to visit B's birthmom and her family. We had a wonderful lunch and spent around 3 hours just visiting, laughing and loving on a very special little guy, who squirmed and squealed and they loved every minute of it. The Lord made this plan and it couldn't be more beautiful, yet hard to describe to the people who don't get to experience the love we share for B and the love we have for each other. It is a relationship I will NEVER take for granted.
Next stop--Cheyenne to see my grandparents (B's great-grandparents) and let me tell you--they couldn't have looked happier! My sister, her husband, Jayla and my mom all went out too. They met us out in Cheyenne since we left early to visit with L. My brother from Denver and his girlfriend even came to Cheyenne to see the babies. We had a nice visit with my grandparents who are in their 80's and don't have air conditioning (it was HOT) but it made me thankful that we were able to share our miracles with them and to see the light in their eyes made the travel all worthwhile.
As Cullen and I discussed on the way out there--our life isn't just about us anymore, we have an obligation to do what is right for B and what will make a difference in his life. Of course we loved the trip but the trip wasn't about us--it was about him and the others in our lives that we love...and it felt so right when I looked at each person holding B---people from all different sections of our lives--and it made my heart swell with pride and love for the family of three that we have become!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
this just brought tears to my happy for your little family. isn't it amazing how quickly life becomes about that little someone special. :) happy you had such a wonderful time! :)