At two months he is smiling--yes, his dad got the first smile but I got the next smile (and yes, they are non-gas related). There is nothing better than waking him up in the morning to get ready for the day and seeing him wake up, stretch and then smile. He hates waking up, in fact he is like his daddy and sometimes just refuses to get moving.
He is moving his legs and arms like crazy, he is "talking" and telling us stories, some very sad and some not so sad. He loves the ceiling fan in our room and watches it as we both get ready for work and we sing and talk. We like to tell him to "Stretch and Grow"in the morning when he is waking up...and he indeed is doing that. Here are the 2 month stats:
Weight: 13.14lbs - He's in the 95th percentile
Height: 24.25 inches long - He's in the 90th percentile
Head: 40 centimeters - He's in the 50th percentile
He likes bath time but hates getting dressed after wards. He is eating 4 ounces consistently and we are trying to move him to 5 ounces so we can sleep a little more at night.
It is safe to say that we are in love with this little guy, with our son. He has brought so much joy to our lives and I sometimes have to pinch myself to see that yes...we are a family!
Other related topic---Happy St. Paddy's to you all!
I think we need a visit from the little leprechaun! Pretty please??