Friday, March 26 at 10:51 p.m. a beautiful little peanut was born! Welcome Jayla Ciana! She is 5 pounds, 15 ounces and 18 long. She is tiny but just adorable. Here she is:
My sister had a c-section and I just got a text from here saying--We are Home! She had a quick recovery and is feeling as good as can be expected. Baby is healthy and now they are home...let the fun begin!
On another note, because we have a huge family, we were pretty much all at the hospital at the same time on Saturday and the kids took turns holding B in the waiting room and then going into the room to hold Jayla. Here is a little picture of B after a bottle. We call it "milk drunk"! He looks so long in this picture and of course he looks so big compared to little Jayla.
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2 months ago
congratulations! :) glad to hear all went well and it looks like little B had a great time meeting his new cousin. :)