I am truly amazed at the outpouring of love and support we have received and continue to receive since the adoption of B. We have received countless emails, phone calls and gifts. We have received more packages addressed to B then we have ever received as a couple or individually! We were discussing it this weekend---that we feel blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives and it is also a good reminder to set out to be better friends to those around us. We haven't been good about sending cards, sending gifts, calling and sending emails. We are going to try to be better about it--because for every card, email, gift or call we received we rejoiced in the plan that God had for us, the plan that was perfect and had perfect timing.
Truly 4 years ago--WE weren't ready. We were in jobs that required much--and we wouldn't have been good parents. We needed to get our relationship back on track--fertility treatments can be a real stress on the marriage. Cullen's parents were 45 minutes away (now they are 5 minutes away), my sister is due in 3 weeks and now our babies can grow up together and the list goes on. We are truly amazed!!
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