Friday, December 24, 2010

The Difference A Year Makes

I have done a lot of reflecting lately on how lonely we were last Christmas, how sad we were last Christmas and how we felt hopelessness last Christmas. Being a waiting couple is difficult, each and every day is difficult and then add the holidays and I am sorry but it is just too damn hard! I know many couples are waiting to build families, whether it is through fertility treatments, through adoption, through foster care and the list goes on....and the waiting is hard during the holidays. I know your pain, I know your heartache but I hope you find just an ounce or more of holiday cheer this season. You deserve it! Give yourself a break from the worry (easier said then done) and live in the moment. For someday, trust me, you will be reflecting on it too.

I am forever grateful that Bentley's birthmom selected us to be his parents. We are blessed beyond belief and we love him with all our heart. I can only imagine that she is also feeling all kinds of emotions this time of year, particularly as we approach his first birthday in less than a month. Please Lord be with "L" as she goes through the holidays, hold her for us and let her know how much we love her.

We look forward to celebrating but it is also important to recognize where you came from and encourage all those standing in our same shoes one short year ago! I pray that you will find peace this holiday season!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bentley's First Santa Visit....

Or so we thought! After his visit we were a proud mommy and daddy. Bentley didn't cry, he was shy but didn't shed any tears. We even got him to smile after Santa rubbed his furry cuff on his nose! We told his grandma and grandpa about it and gave them their own copy of the photo (which is pretty cute if I must say) and they so kindly said, when we have been walking at the mall with Bentley we have him say Hi to Santa and Santa talks to him. So---for the 2nd, 3rd or maybe 4th time...Bentley didn't cry when he saw Santa :)

Merry Christmas!!